text but not markup?
2007-10-04 18:09:23 UTC
Is it possible to include a lilypond text throught fomus that isn't
intialized by th "^" symbol?
I.e.: "_" or also another types of texts like "/tempo"... I'm trying to
do it throught format function but I'm not geting it... the example
would clarify better what I'm trying to make... tx for any help

(fomus :output '(:lilypond :view t)
:LILYPOND-TEXTTEMPO-MARKUP (concatenate 'string (format nil "~A"
#\backspace) " \\tempo ~A")
:ensemble-type :orchestra
:parts (list
(make-part :name "Piano" :instr :piano
for off from 0 to 10 by 1/2
collect (make-note :off off

:dur (if (< off
10) 1/2 1)
:note (+ 48
(random 25))
:marks (if (= off 7)

'((:TEXTTEMPO "8.=120"))))))))
David Psenicka
2007-10-05 13:33:36 UTC
I'll have to add an option for that--I'll add some way of overriding it

BTW I'm in the middle of porting this whole project to C++... The main
reasons are that it should be easier to install (I think some people
didn't want to deal with Lisp) and it will be more flexible as a dynamic
library in other applications... plus I'll be able to comb through
everything and smooth out some of the kinks that are still there along
the way (weird beams that pop up sometimes, etc.). It won't be stuck in
Lisp--it'll be usable in any language that can load a dynamic library +
objects for Pd & Max, etc., plus the text file input should be more
flexible (less pseudo-lisp syntax, provisions for constructs like
chords, etc.), settings adjustments can be made per measure, and a few
other things that should have been done from the start
Post by padovani
Is it possible to include a lilypond text throught fomus that isn't
intialized by th "^" symbol?
I.e.: "_" or also another types of texts like "/tempo"... I'm trying
to do it throught format function but I'm not geting it... the example
would clarify better what I'm trying to make... tx for any help
(fomus :output '(:lilypond :view t)
:LILYPOND-TEXTTEMPO-MARKUP (concatenate 'string (format nil "~A"
#\backspace) " \\tempo ~A")
:ensemble-type :orchestra
:parts (list (make-part :name "Piano"
:instr :piano :events
for off from 0 to 10 by 1/2
collect (make-note :off off
:dur (if (<
off 10) 1/2 1)
:note (+ 48
(random 25))
:marks (if (= off 7)
'((:TEXTTEMPO "8.=120"))))))))
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