text mode examples
rob canning
2006-08-28 18:53:51 UTC

i have just found fomus! this is exactly what i have been looking for -
many thanks for your work.

i am currently working on a genetic algorithm music composition
software in pure-data and have been struggling trying to convert my
data into lilypond format. perhaps with fomus this will no longer be a
problem for me.

i have been looking at the examples and have the following

i will be using fomus in text interface mode and would love to see some
examples which include data other than pitch duration and onset just so
i can get an idea of how my data should be formatted.

note 1 :off 0 :dur 1 :note 60 :mark attack :dynamic ppp
note 1 :off 1 :dur 1 :note 62 :mark staccato :dynamic fff

i know this is wrong but i would like to know the right way to include
articulation and dynamic material for example.

I promise to bury myself in the documentation soon ;-)

many thanks again for this software - i think it will save me a lot of
headaches in the future,

best regards,

rob canning

running fomus on Pure:Dyne linux with --cmucl and lilypond
David Psenicka
2006-08-28 19:56:50 UTC
I'll put up another page of examples shortly.

Please let me know how it works out for you... I'd like to know how
many people are having success with it, what's difficult/frustrating
about it, what works well, etc.. I hear from a few people but haven't
gotten too much feedback.

